The race of ancient Greeks
"Nowhere in historic times is there any valid evidence that the upper classes of one area differed in culture from those of another because of racial background, nor within any one people did the upper and lower classes have basically different cultural inheritances. Modern assertions that the masters preserved a Nordic outlook and so were more capable of culture are pure nonsense, bred of modern racial prejudice, not of the ancient evidence.”
Starr, 1991, the origins of Greek civilization
Racial types of ancient Greeks in upper classes: (note, most of Greeks who built the ancient Greek civilization (science, philosophy, arts etc) which is the reason that we know ancient Greece today, rarely even belonged to the upper classes, most of them were part of the middle class, and some of them even poorer, such as Socrates
i will start with some ancient Greeks in the upper classes, classified as Nordic looking
Nordic iranic, because of his Scythian originated mother
other nordics in ancient Greek upper classes... Well, i'm sorry but that's all
King Philip
Starr, 1991, the origins of Greek civilization
i will start with some ancient Greeks in the upper classes, classified as Nordic looking
Nordic iranic, because of his Scythian originated mother
other nordics in ancient Greek upper classes... Well, i'm sorry but that's all
Mediterraneans in ancient Greek upper classes (of all Mediterranean types, including dinaro-med):
Alexander the great
But since the upper classes were not exclusively consisted of Mediterranean, we have to refer some Alpines of the upper classes too:
Eratosthenes(with some dinaric influence)
As I said earlier, most of the ancient Greek civilization (science, philosophy, arts etc) was not built by the upper classes, and elitism was not common in a Southern democracy like ancient Greece, at least not as common as in medieval barbarian societies (and modern to a degree), where particular people with no significant achievements can dominate society as a whole (see Hapsburgs etc)
However, one of the few elitists, descent of the upper classes, whose early philosophy was definitely elitist, was Plato:
By racial type, an Alpine too.
Many, mainly northern and central (sometimes Eastern European too) originated nordicists from USA and Europe, often have difficulties to understand Southern European mentality, and the fact that priorities in Southern European societies (and in some Celtic societies, let's not forget that Celts used to be closer to Southern Europeans than to Germanic people, see Italo-celtic vs Balto-Slavic-Germanic linguistic branch etc) differ from the priorities in Germanic societies.
As a result, even though Southern Europeans do not lack academic, scientific and artistic achievements, money is not their priority. On contrary, priority in Southern Europe is family and life, and people, mainly from non-Southern European countries who judge ethnicities almost only by economic standards, can't understand Southern Europeans and the reason that Southern Europeans are not inferior to them, and can be descents of the people who gave birth to European civilization, in spite of being "poorer" than northern Europeans.
After all, much of modern northern European wealth is stolen wealth of their former colonies in Asia and Africa, wealth that unfortunately the 3rd world will never get back
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